About Helaina

What I hope for and envision for this blog is to create a forum to learn from each other, through food. I believe that learning is a two way street- I can teach you, and you can teach me. Everyone has different perspectives and ideas to bring to the table that can all be useful as well as delicious, if applied the right way. So, I suppose you could say this blog is a representation of my perspective of the world, in food.

From sharing recipes and tips to discussing food politics and current events- we can all learn from each other, as well as learn about the world, through food. Sharing food and enjoying it together is perhaps one of the most intimate things we can do. And even though food is incredibly intimate this way, it is also something that people all over the world can share with each other. We all eat, and that’s all there is to it. Differences aside, we all need food, so why not use it as a medium to learn about the world and people around us?

Food is good. Food is fun. Food is sexy.
