Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lemon Rasta Shrimp

Every summer I make a to do list for myself, and this year one of my challenges for myself is to cook as often as possible for people I love. So, for my first attempt at some lemon inspired eats, I decided to make a shrimp and rice dinner for my two new roommates who have allowed me to move into their small apartment. To show some appreciation and love, I cooked  my two friends a spin on a dish that another friend prepared for myself and others just a few months ago for "family dinner night". This dinner features some tangy shrimp marinated in lemon, lime, and spices, with some rasta inspired multi colored veggies, all served with some fragrant jasmine rice. I got my shrimp from the seafood section at my local grocery store, although there was no one I could find to inquire as to the source of it...maybe next week though! Since I used precooked shrimp, the process was a bit streamlined, so take note of that if you plan to use fresh or frozen shrimp. On the bright side of things, I got all my lemons for free from a kind neighbor who has more lemons than he or I know what to do with.

Because the shrimp have to marinate and absorb all the lemony goodness, leave yourself at least one hour for preparation.


1/2-1/3 lb. cooked baby shrimp (depending on how many you want to feed, about 1/2 lb was good for me and two others)
2-3 large lemons
5-6 limes
3-4 cloves of garlic, diced
salt & pepper
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1 large red bell pepper, sliced
1/2 yellow onion, sliced
yellow cherry tomatoes
small bunch of green onions, chopped
jasmine rice (or your favorite rice), prepared to package instructions

glass baking dish
pot for rice

Begin by rinsing off the cooked shrimp, and putting them in your clean baking dish. Squeeze the juice from at least 2 lemons and 4-5 limes over the shrimp, depending on your tastes (we will use the rest at the end when its finished for garnishing). Add the diced garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Cover with a small sheet of aluminum foil, and forget about in the fridge for about 30 minutes while you prep the veggies and rice. 

Prepare the jasmine rice according to the package directions, usually about a 1:2 ratio of rice:water for about 30-40 minutes. Slice up the bell pepper and onions which will bake with the shrimp, and preheat your oven to 425 degrees. Once 30 minutes or so has passed, take the shrimp dish out of the refrigerator and throw in your sliced veggies. Recover with the foil and bake for about 20-25 minutes. Because we use precooked for this recipe, only the veggies need to steam cook in the lemon mixture, but if you decide to use fresh or frozen shrimp you will need to adjust your cooking times. 

After baking the shrimp and veggies together, remove from oven. This will probably be around when your rice is done as well, so check on that too. Garnish the shrimp and veggie dish with some colorful yellow cherry tomatoes, chopped green onions, and any extra lemon and lime wedges left over. I served the rice up in colorful bowls with the shrimp and veggie mix piled on top, topped with wedges of lemon and lime for some extra TANG.

This was a light citrus inspired dinner perfect for a relaxing summer evening with friends. Even though I had originally only planned to prepare for three, we actually had enough for one extra meal, which was delivered hot, via bicycle to a friend working hard around the corner in time for his dinner break. In my double challenge for myself not only to just cook with lemon, but also to intentionally cook yummy for others, I think I came out in the end accomplished. Three times over, even!


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