Friday, July 20, 2012

Strawberry-Banana Trifle

I have been pretty busy this past week, so it has been challenging to make meals that require a lot of time. Yesterday, I went to a good friend's BBQ, and I was a slightly stressed when it was the night before, and I realized how little time I had to make a dessert for the get-together. Luckily, the delicious savior by the name of Trifle came swiftly to my rescue.

In only an hour, I was able to go to the store, pick up the few needed ingredients, make the dessert, stick it in the fridge to chill, and be on my way to work. But, don't let the trifle's fast and easy demeanor fool you, it packs a punch on the taste buds. The simple combination of creamy vanilla filling, soft wafer cookies, and sweet and tangy sliced bananas and strawberries was a hit with my friends. I wish I had taken photos of their delighted expressions as proof, but once you make this, you will see that the proof is really in the pudding.

6 oz sour cream (this can be substituted with non-fat Greek yogurt)
6 oz whipped topping, thawed (cool whip)
1 cup milk (whole works best)
5 oz pack instant vanilla pudding mix
3-4 bananas
10-15 strawberries
Vanilla wafer cookies
        *Serves about 8 people

Ok, so first you will combine the thawed whipped topping, sour cream, milk, and pudding mix in a large bowl. Once it is smooth and blended, you are ready to get layering! Grab another large bowl, and create an initial layer of wafer cookies. Then, cover the cookies with a layer of vanilla cream blend.  Next comes a layer of sliced bananas and strawberries. Simply repeat until you are out of the vanilla cream blend. Top with a dollop of the remaining whipped topping, and pop your trifle in the fridge to let it chill. This allows the wafer cookies to get nice and soft, although I'm sure it is just as delicious to serve right away if need be.

Fast. Easy. Tasty.

This would likely be a great recipe to mix up and use different pudding mixes, fruit blends, and cookie types. A vegan interpretation would be great to try. 


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